Oxymetholone, a name that resonates with power and strength. But where did it all begin? Let’s delve into the origins and uses of this potent anabolic steroid.
The Origins
The laboratory that developed Oxymetholone is a branch of Roche. Initially, it was christened as Anapollon, reminiscent of a Greek god. Introduced to the UK in 1959, it later became known as Anadrol in the United States.
Why Was Oxymetholone Created?
Oxymetholone was formulated to treat various types of anemia. It has the remarkable ability to boost cell production from the bone marrow. In the past, it was even prescribed to patients undergoing chemotherapy. However, its use has declined in recent times due to the emergence of non-anabolic steroids like erythropoietin, which offer similar benefits but with fewer side effects. Oxymetholone also found applications in treating osteoporosis, major burns, and surgeries where patients experienced significant muscle loss. Today, its primary use in the US is to maintain lean mass in HIV patients.
Oxymetholone’s Binding Properties
Interestingly, Oxymetholone binds very weakly to the androgenic receptor. This trait is shared with Dianabol, another potent oral steroid. Some argue that Anavar is even more potent, but its accessibility, cost, and toxicity make it a less popular choice.
Dosage and Consumption
It’s crucial to consume Oxymetholone after eating. Taking it on an empty stomach might affect its absorption, although this is a topic of debate. The recommended dose for children is notably high, with the leaflet suggesting 1 to 5 mg per kilo per day for a duration of three to six months to observe treatment results.
Hepatotoxicity Concerns
Oxymetholone, like all 17 alpha-alkylateds, is hepatotoxic. This characteristic is due to a chemical modification made for the drug to survive the first pass through the liver. However, its hepatotoxicity is perhaps less severe than commonly believed. Some studies have linked high doses of Oxymetholone to liver cancer, but the dosages used in such studies were often excessive.
Oxymetholone aka Anadrol, with its rich history and varied applications, remains a topic of interest and debate in the medical community. While its benefits are undeniable, it’s essential to approach its use with caution and awareness.
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